For everyone who asks receives

I_2_15_15_Red66_32ShouldersCopyrightand he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened. Matt. 7:8, Luke 11:10 NKJV

Isn’t it curious these words spoken by Jesus in both the Gospel of Mark and of Luke, are identical while accounts of healing and miracles in other books and verses vary slightly from one Gospel to another?

If  both the authors of Matthew and Luke repeated Jesus’ message verbatim, which it appears they did, then I for one, believe these words carry significant weight.

And, I am knocking on the door of a publisher based in London with offices in France, Germany and the United States to pick up my art only edition of Whippoorwill Calls. To the acquisitions editor, I submitted my publication story May 11, along with the book cover, my curriculum vitae and two drawings.

Additional drawings are here: G_12_15 FINAL BrownContecopyrightK_12_15 FINALHandHip54_15_4_0copyr

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